Bengali Feminine

If you're trying to learn Bengali Feminine you will find out that Bengali actually doesn't have a gender. So there is no masculine or feminine... But you still need to know how to deal with that fact. Below are some tips and examples. Also don't forget to check the rest of our other lessons listed on Learn Bengali. Enjoy the rest of the lesson!

Bengali Gender

As we mentioned before, there is no Bengali gender which is good news (compared to other languages).

While in English it is known that feminine refers to female qualities attributed specifically to women and girls or things considered feminine. The complement to feminine is masculine. In Bengali, nouns are not masculine, feminine, they might be all considered "neutral".

Grammar Tips:

To form a feminine word from the masculine in Bengali, you simply add (-i, -ni, ia) if the word ends in a consonant only when there is no separate words for the masculine and feminine forms. In case of nouns describing a profession or occupartion the last word is generally replaced by feminine tag.

a) Replacing last vowel by “i”

Chhatro (student) becomes chhatri (girl student), patra (groom) becomes patri (bride)

putro (son) becomes putri (daughter),

b) Change with last cosonent

poricharok (servant.) becomes poricharika (maid servant)

c) use of ni

chowkidar ( guard) becomes chowkidarni (woman guard)

Note that some words cannot change into feminine; instead a whole new word should be used, example: purush (man), Mohila (woman).

Here are some examples:

English FeminineBengali Feminine
Femininestri jatio - স্ট্রি জটিও
he is happyse sukhi - সএ সুখি
she is happyse sukhi - সএ সুখি
he is Americanse american - সএ অমএরিcঅন্
she is Americanse american - সএ অমএরিcঅন্
manmanus - মনুস্
womanmohila - মওহিল
fatherbaba - বব
mothermaa - মা
brothervai - বঐ
sisterbon - বওন্
unclechacham, mama - চচম্, মম
auntchachi, khala - চচি, খল
bullbis, sar - বিস্, সর্
cowgoru - গওরু
boybalok - বলওক্
girlbalika - বলিক

As you can see from the example above, there is no structure of the Feminine in Bengali.

Gender in Bengali

Below are examples of some vocabulary words that you can try to memorize to help you boost your vocabulary.

English VocabularyBengali Vocabulary
objectsuddesso - উড্ডএস্সও
bathroomgosol khana - গওসওল্ খন
bedbisana - বিসন
bedroomsowar ghor - সওwঅর্ ঘওর্
ceilingtak - টক্
chairkadaro (bosar jonno) - কডরও (বওসর্ জওন্নও)
clothesposak - পওসক্
coatjama, aboron - জম, অবওরওন্
cuppewala - পএwঅল
desktebil - টএবিল্
dressposak - পওসক্
floortola, mejhe - টওল, মএঝএ
forkkata chamach - কট চমচ্
furnitureasbab potro - অস্বব্ পওট্রও
glassglass - গ্লস্স্
hathat - হট্
housebari - বরি
inkkali - কলি
jacketjaket (siter posak - জকএট্ (সিটএর্ পওসক্
kitchenranna ghar - রন্ন ঘর্
knifesuri (just for cut) - সুরি (জুস্ট্ fওর্ cউট্)
lampbati - বটি
letterchiti, borno - চিটি, বওর্নও
mapmanchitro - মন্চিট্রও
newspapersongbad potro - সওন্গ্বড্ পওট্রও
notebooklikhito boi - লিখিটও বওই
pantspant, payjama - পন্ট্, পয্জম
paperkagoj - কগওজ্
penkolok, lekhoni - কওলওক্, লএখওনি
pencilrul, lekhoni - রুল্, লএখওনি
pharmacyousodher dokan - ওউসওদএর্ ডওকন্
picturesobi - সওবি
platethala - তল
refrigeratorfrig - fরিগ্
restaurantkhabarer dokan - খবরএর্ ডওকন্
roofsad - সড্
roomsoto ghor - সওটও ঘওর্
rugkhipto howa - খিপ্টও হওwঅ
scissorsknechi - ক্নএচি
shampooshampoo - শম্পূ
shirtprursher jama - প্রুর্শএর্ জম
shoesjuta - জুট
soapsaban - সবন্
socksmuja - মুজ
spoonchamuch - চমুচ্
tabletable, lomba chouki, - টব্লএ, লওম্ব চওউকি,
toiletpaykhana - পয্খন
toothbrushdat majar brash - ডট্ মজর্ ব্রশ্
toothpastedater majon - ডটএর্ মজওন্
toweltoale - টওঅলএ
umbrellasata - সট
underwearsoto kapor pant ar niche porar jonno - সওটও কপওর্ পন্ট্ অর্ নিচএ পওরর্ জওন্নও
walldowal - ডওwঅল্
walletjuli, tholi - জুলি, তওলি
windowjanala - জনল
telephonekotha bolar phone/ jontro - কওত বওলর্ ফওনএ/ জওন্ট্রও

Feminine and Masculine are absent from Bengali, therefore they don't need very special attention. Once you're done with Bengali gender lesson, you might want to check the rest of our Bengali lessons here: Learn Bengali. Don't forget to bookmark this page.





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