Russian Adverbs

If you're trying to learn Russian Adverbs you will find some useful resources including a course about Adverbs of time place manner and frequency... to help you with your Russian grammar. Try to concentrate on the lesson and notice the pattern that occurs each time the word changes its place. Also don't forget to check the rest of our other lessons listed on Learn Russian. Enjoy the rest of the lesson!

Russian Adverbs

Learning the Russian Adverbs is very important because its structure is used in every day conversation. The more you master it the more you get closer to mastering the Russian language. But first we need to know what the role of Adverbs is in the structure of the grammar in Russian.

Russian adverbs are part of speech. Generally they're words that modify any part of language other than a noun. Adverbs can modify verbs, adjectives (including numbers), clauses, sentences and other adverbs.

Grammar Tips:

While in English adverbs are usually formed by adding (-ly) to adjectives, in Russian adverbs are formed from adjectives, simply by replacing the suffix -ый/-ий/-ая/-ое with –o.

Медленный (slow) becomes медленно (slowly)

Совершенный (perfect) becomes совершенно (perfectly)

However that’s not always the case. Some words are adverbs by nature. For example: сейчас (now)

Here are some examples:

English AdverbsRussian Adverbs
adverbsнаречия - narechia
I read a book sometimesЯ читаю книгу иногда - IA chitaiu knigu inogda
I will never smokeЯ никогда не буду курить - IA nikogda ne budu kuritio
are you alone?Вы в одиночку? - Vы v odinochku?

Notice the structure of the Adverbs in Russian.

List of Adverbs in Russian

Below is a list of the Adverbs of time place manner and frequency in Russian placed in a table. Memorizing this table will help you add very useful and important words to your Russian vocabulary.

English AdverbsRussian Adverbs
adverbs of timeнаречия времени - narechia vremeni
yesterdayвчера - vchera
todayсегодня - segodnia
tomorrowзавтра - zavtra
nowв настоящее время - v nastoiashtee vremia
thenзатем - zatem
laterпозже - pozze
tonightсегодня вечером - segodnia vecherom
right nowпрямо сейчас - priamo seichas
last nightвчера вечером - vchera vecherom
this morningсегодня утром - segodnia utrom
next weekна следующей неделе - na sleduiushtei nedele
alreadyуже - uze
recentlyнедавно - nedavno
latelyза последнее время - za poslednee vremia
soonскоро - skoro
immediatelyнемедленно - nemedlenno
stillпо-прежнему - po-preznemu
yetеще - eshte
agoтому назад - tomu nazad
adverbs of placeнаречия места - narechia mesta
hereздесь - zdesio
thereтам - tam
over thereвон там - von tam
everywhereвезде - vezde
anywhereгде угодно - gde ugodno
nowhereнигде - nigde
homeдома - doma
awayпрочь - prochio
outиз - iz
adverbs of mannerнаречия образом - narechia obrazom
veryочень - ochenio
quiteвполне - vpolne
prettyдовольно - dovolioo
reallyна самом деле - na samom dele
fastбыстро - bыstro
wellхорошо - horosho
hardжесткий - zestkii
quicklyбыстро - bыstro
slowlyмедленно - medlenno
carefullyосторожно - ostorozno
hardlyвряд ли - vriad li
barelyедва - edva
mostlyглавным образом - glavnыm obrazom
almostпочти - pochti
absolutelyабсолютно - absoliutno
togetherвместе - vmeste
aloneв одиночку - v odinochku
adverbs of frequencyнаречия частоты - narechia chastotы
alwaysвсегда - vsegda
frequentlyчасто - chasto
usuallyобычно - obыchno
sometimesиногда - inogda
occasionallyиногда - inogda
seldomредко - redko
rarelyредко - redko
neverникогда - nikogda

Adverbs of time place manner and frequency have a very important role in Russian. Once you're done with Russian Adverbs, you might want to check the rest of our Russian lessons here: Learn Russian. Don't forget to bookmark this page.





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