Lithuanian Verbs

If you're trying to learn Lithuanian Verbs you will find some useful resources including a course about Verbs in the present past and future tense... to help you with your Lithuanian grammar. Try to concentrate on the lesson and notice the pattern that occurs each time the word changes its place. Also don't forget to check the rest of our other lessons listed on Learn Lithuanian. Enjoy the rest of the lesson!

Lithuanian Verbs

Learning the Lithuanian Verbs displayed below is vital to the language. Lithuanian verbs are words that convey action (bring, read, walk, run), or a state of being (exist, stand). In most languages a verb may agree with the person, gender, and/or number of some of its arguments, such as its subject, or object.

Grammar Tips:

Verb is very important in Lithuanian. While English is language of prepositions, Lithuanian must be considered as language of verbs. In Lithuanian there are 4 tenses and 3 forms of participles.

Verb has such gramatical properties: tense, mood (mode), person, number, voice. Here are conjugating and nonconjugating forms of verb. Nonconjugating forms are participles and infinitive, but participles have gender and declension of case according to gender and case of subject or object they belong to.

Person and tense

Persons in Lithuanian are:

(singular, first person), which gets the flexion –u/-uo.

Pres. t. einu (I go), rašau (I write), nešu (I carry), nešuosi (I carry myself);

past t. ėjau (I went), rašiau (I wrote), nešiau (I carryed), nešiausi (I carryed myself));

future eisiu (I will go), rašysiu (I will write), nešiu (I will carry), nešiuosi (I will carry myself).

Tu (singular, second person), which gets the flexion –i/-ie

Pres. t. eini (you go), rašai (you write), neši (you carry), nešiesi (you carry yourself);

past t. ėjai (you went), rašei (you wrote), nešei (you carryed), nešeisi (you carryed yourself));

future eisi (you will go), rašysi (you will write), neši (you will carry), nešiesi (you will carry yourself).

Jis, ji (he, she, it) gets standard flexions –a, -i, -o, -ė. Future has ending -s.

Pres. t. eina (he/she/it goes), rašo (he/she/it writes), neša (he/she/it carryes), nešasi (he/she/it carryes him/her/itself);

past t. ėjai (he/she/it went), rašei (he/she/it wrote), nešei (he/she/it carryed), nešeisi (he/she/it carryed him/her/itself));

future eis (he/she/it will go), rašys (he/she/it will write), neš (he/she/it will carry), nešis (he/she/it will carry him/her/itself).

Mes (plural, first person), which gets the flexion –m(e)/-mė.

Pres. t. einam(e) (we go), rašom(e) (we write), nešam(e) (we carry), nešas (we carry ourself); (e) is optional, so we have here short and ful form: einam, einame; nešam, nešame. Both are correct.

past t. ėjom(e) (I went), rašėm(e) (we wrote), nešė m(e) (we carryed), nešės (we carryed ourself));

future eisim(e) (we will go), rašysim(e) (we will write), nešim(e) (we will carry), nešis (we will carry ourself).

Jūs (plural, second person), which gets the flexion –t(e)/-tė

Pres. t. einat(e) (you go), rašot(e) (you write), nešat(e) (you carry), nešas (you carry yourself);

past t. ėjot(e) (you went), rašėt(e) (you wrote), nešėt(e) (you carryed), nešėsi (you carryed yourself));

future eis t(e) (you will go), rašysit(e) (you will write), nešit(e) (you will carry), nešis (you will carry yourself).

Jie, jos (they) gets standard flexions –a, -i, -o, -ė. Future has ending -s.

Pres. t. eina (they goes), rašo (they write), neša (they carry), nešasi (they carry theyrself);

past t. ėjo (they went), rašė (they wrote), nešė (they carryed), nešėsi (they carryed theyrself));

future eis (they will go), rašys (they will write), neš (they will carry), nešis (they will carry theyrself).

In Lithuanian there are 2 past tenses. One you can see in the example. Second is so named “iterative past”. It means “doing some times”. Simple past means it was did, maybe one time, maybe not one. Iterative past means it was did exactly more than one time. Iterative past forms from mentioned above past with suffix –dav- :

aš eidavau, rašydavau, nešdavau, nešdavausi;

tu eidavai, rašydavai, nešdavai, nešdavaisi;

jis, ji eidavo, rašydavo, nešdavo, nešdavosi;

mes eidavom(e), rašydavom(e), nešdavom(e), nešdavomės;

jūs eidavot(e), rašydavot(e), nešdavot(e), nešdavotės;

Jie, jos eidavo, rašydavo, nešdavo, nešdavosi.

Important: in Lithuanian peronal form of the verb is unambiguous, so often here personal pronoun (especially in first person) is omited (it is clear from context). Example: Einu nesustodamas (I go nonstop.) Einame nesustodami. (We go nonstop.)

Here are some examples:

English VerbsLithuanian Verbs
PastBūtasis laikas
I spokeAš kalbėjau
I wroterašiau
I droveAš važiavau
I lovedmylėjau
I gaveDaviau
I smiledšypsojausi
I tookpaėmiau
he spokeJis kalbėjo
he wrotejis rašė
he drovejis vairavo
he lovedmylėjo
he gaveJis davė
he smiledšypsojosi
he tookpaėmė
we spokemes kalbėjome
we wroterašėme
we drovevairavome
we lovedmylėjome
we gavemes davėme
we smiledšypsojomės
we tookpaėmėme
FutureBūsimasis laikas
I will speakAš kalbėsiu
I will writerašysiu
I will driveAš važiuosiu
I will lovemylėsiu
I will giveDuosiu
I will smilešypsosiuos
I will takepaimsiu
he will speakJis kalbės
he will writerašys
he will drivevairuos
he will loveJis mylės
he will givejis duos
he will smilešypsosis
he will takepaims
we will speakkalbėsime
we will writerašysime
we will drivevairuosime
we will lovemylėsime
we will giveduosime
we will smilešypsosimės
we will takepaimsime
PresentEsamasis laikas
I speakAš kalbu
I writeRašau
I driveAš vairuoju
I lovemyliu
I giveDuodu
I smileŠypsausi
I takeimu
he speakskalba
he writesrašo
he drivesvairuoja
he lovesJis myli
he givesjis duoda
he smilesjis šypsosi
he takesima
we speakMes kalbame
we writemes rašome
we drivevairuojame
we loveMes mylime
we giveduodame
we smilešypsomės
we takeimame

Notice the structure of the Verbs in Lithuanian.

List of Verbs in Lithuanian

Below is a list of the conjugated Verbs in the present past and future in Lithuanian placed in a table. Memorizing this table will help you add very useful and important words to your Lithuanian vocabulary.

English VerbsLithuanian Verbs
I can accept thatGaliu sutikti, kad
she added itJi pridūrė, kad
we admit itmes tai pripažįstame
they advised himjie patarė jam
I can agree with thatGaliu sutikti su tuo
she allows itji tai leidžia
we announce itmes apie tai paskelbsime
I can apologizeGaliu atsiprašyti
she appears todayJi pasirodo šiandien
they arranged thatjie tai suderino/sutvarkė
I can arrive tomorrowGaliu atvykti rytoj
she can ask himji gali prašyti jį
she attaches thatji teikia, kad
we attack themmes juos užsipuolame
they avoid herjie jos vengia
I can bake itGaliu iškepti jį
she is like himji panaši į jį
we beat itmes tai sumušame ?? No sense
they became happyjie tapo laimingi
I can begin thatGaliu pradėti, kad
we borrowed moneymes pasiskolinome pinigų
they breathe airjie kvėpuoja oru,
I can bring itaš galiu tai atnešti
I can build thataš galiu tai pastatyti
she buys foodji perka maisto
we calculate itmes paskaičiuojame, kad
they carry itjie tai neša
they don't cheatjie neapgaudinėja
she chooses himji pasirenka jį
we close itmes tai uždarome
he comes hereJis ateina čia
I can compare thatGaliu palyginti, kad
she competes with meji konkuruoja su manimi
we complain about itmes dėl to skųsimės
they continued readingjie toliau skaitė
he cried about thatJis šaukė apie tai
I can decide nowGaliu nuspręsti dabar
she described it to meji apibūdino tai man
we disagree about itmes nepritariame apie tai
they disappeared quicklyjie išnyko greitai
I discovered thatAtradau, kad
she dislikes thatji nemėgsta, kad
we do itmes tai darome
they dream about itJie svajoja apie tai
I earneduždirbau
he eats a lotjis valgo daug
we enjoyed thatmums patiko, kad
they entered herejie atvyko čia
he escaped thatjis pabėgo, kad
I can explain thataš galiu tai paaiškinti
she feels that tooji taip pat tai jaučia
we fled from therepabėgome iš ten
they will fly tomorrowjie skris rytoj
I can follow youaš galiu eiti/sekti paskui jus
she forgot meji pamiršo mane
we forgive himmes atleidžiame jam
I can give her thataš galiu jai tai duoti
she goes thereji eina ten
we greeted thempasveikinome
I hate thataš to nepakenčiu
I can hear itGaliu klausytis
she imagine thatįsivaizduoja
we invited themkvietėme juos
I know himAš jį pažįstu
she learned itji sužinojo, kad
we leave nowmes išvykstame dabar
they lied about himjie melavo apie jį
I can listen to thataš galiu to klausytis
she lost thatji tai pametė/prarado
we made it yesterdayMes padarėme tai vakar
they met himjie susitiko su juo
I misspell thataš neteisingai parašiau
I always praymeldžiuos
she prefers thatjai labiau patiktų tai
we protected themapsaugojome
they will punish herjie ją nubaus
I can put it thereaš galiu padėti jį ten
she will read itperskaitys
we received thatmes tai gavome
they refuse to talkjie atsisako kalbėti
I remember thataš tai prisimenu
she repeats thatji tai kartoja
we see itmes matome tai
they sell itjie tai parduoda
I sent that yesterdayaš išsiunčiau tai vakar
he shaved his beardjis nusiskuto savo barzdą
it shrunk quicklytai greitai sumažėjo
we will sing itmes tai padainuosime
they sat therejie sėdėjo ten
I can speak itaš galiu apie tai kalbėti
she spends moneyji leidžia pinigus
we suffered from thatnukentėjome nuo to
they suggest thatjie pataria kad
I surprised himaš jį nustebinau
she took thatji tai paėmė
we teach itmokome jį
they told usjie mums sakė,
she thanked himJi padėkojo jam
I can think about itAš galiu galvoti apie tai
she threw itji tai išmetė
we understand thatMes suprantame, kad
they want thatjie nori, kad
I can wear itGaliu nešioti
she writes thatJi rašo, kad
we talk about itmes kalbame apie tai
they have itjie tai turi
I watched itaš žiūrėjau tai
I will talk about itKalbėsiu apie tai
he bought that yesterdayjis tai pirko vakar
we finished itmes tai baigėme

Verbs in the present past and future tense have a very important role in Lithuanian. Once you're done with Lithuanian Verbs, you might want to check the rest of our Lithuanian lessons here: Learn Lithuanian. Don't forget to bookmark this page.





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