Ukrainian Articles

If you're trying to learn Ukrainian Articles you will find some useful resources including a course about Definite and Indefinite Articles... to help you with your Ukrainian grammar. Try to concentrate on the lesson and notice the pattern that occurs each time the word changes its place. Also don't forget to check the rest of our other lessons listed on Learn Ukrainian. Enjoy the rest of the lesson!

Ukrainian Articles

Learning the Ukrainian Articles displayed below is vital to the language. Ukrainian articles are words that combine with a noun to indicate the type of reference being made by the noun. Generally articles specify the grammatical definiteness of the noun. Examples are "the, a, and an". Here are some examples:

English ArticlesUkrainian Articles
articlesartiklі - артиклі
oneodin - один
somedejakі - деякі
fewkіljka - кілька
the bookkniga - книга
the booksknigi - книги
a bookkniga - книга
one bookodna kniga - одна книга
some booksdejakі knigi - деякі книги
few bookskіljka knig - кілька книг

Notice the structure of the Articles in Ukrainian.

List of Articles in Ukrainian

Below is a list of vocabulary where you can use the Definite and Indefinite Articles in Ukrainian. Try to practice but also memorizing this table will help you add very useful and important words to your Ukrainian vocabulary.

English VocabularyUkrainian Vocabulary
Foodїzha - їжа
almondsmigdalj - мигдаль
breadhlіb - хліб
breakfastsnіdanok - сніданок
buttervershkove maslo - вершкове масло
candycukerka - цукерка
cheesesir - сир
chickenkurka - курка
cuminkmin - кмин
dessertdesert - десерт
dinnerobіd - обід
fishriba - риба
fruitfrukti - фрукти
ice creammorozivo - морозиво
lambjagnja - ягня
lemonlimon - лимон
lunchobіd - обід
mealїzha - їжа
meatm'jaso - м'ясо
ovenpіch - піч
pepperperecj - перець
plantsroslin - рослин
porksvinina - свинина
saladsalat - салат
saltsіlj - сіль
sandwichbuterbrod - бутерброд
sausagekovbasa - ковбаса
soupsup - суп
sugarcukor - цукор
suppervecherja - вечеря
turkeyіndichka - індичка
applejabluko - яблуко
bananabanan - банан
orangesapeljsini - апельсини
peachespersiki - персики
peanutarahіs - арахіс
pearsgrushі - груші
pineappleananas - ананас
grapesvinograd - виноград
strawberriespolunicі - полуниці
vegetablesovochі - овочі
carrotmorkva - морква
cornkukurudza - кукурудза
cucumberogіrok - огірок
garlicchasnik - часник
lettucesalat-latuk - салат-латук
olivesolivki - оливки
onionscibulja - цибуля
pepperspercі - перці
potatoeskartoplja - картопля
pumpkingarbuz - гарбуз
beanskvasolja - квасоля
tomatoespomіdori - помідори

Definite and Indefinite Articles have a very important role in Ukrainian. Once you're done with Ukrainian Articles, you might want to check the rest of our Ukrainian lessons here: Learn Ukrainian. Don't forget to bookmark this page.





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