Galician Phrases

Trying to find some Galician phrases? Below we have listed many useful expressions including: Greeting Phrases | Farewell Expressions | Holidays and Wishes | How to Introduce Yourself | Romance and Love Phrases | Solving a Misunderstanding | Asking for Directions | Emergency Survival Phrases | Hotel Restaurant Travel Phrases | Daily Expressions | Cuss Words (Polite) | Writing a Letter | Short Expressions and words

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Galician Phrases

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English Galician Phrases
Good morning!Bos días!
Good afternoon!Boas tardes!
Good evening!Boas noites!
Welcome! (to greet someone)Benvido/a!
Hello my friend!Ola amigo meu!/Ola amiga meva!
How are you? (friendly)Como estás?
How are you? (polite)Como estade?
I'm fine, thank you!Estou ben, grazas!
And you? (friendly)E ti?
And you? (polite)E vostede?
Not so goodNon tan ben
Long time no seeHai moito que non nos vemos
I missed youBoteiche de menos
What's new?Que hai de novo?
Nothing newNada novo
Thank you (very much)!(Moitas) grazas!
You're welcome! (for "thank you")De nada!
My pleasureO gusto é meu
Come in! (or: enter!)Adiante!
Make yourself at home!Síntete como se estiveses na túa casa
Farewell ExpressionsExpresións de adeus
Have a nice day!Que teñas un bo día!
Good night!Boas noites!
Good night and sweet dreams!Boas noites e doces sonos!
See you later!Ata logo! / Ata despois!
See you soon!Ata pronto!
See you tomorrow!Ata mañá!
Good bye!Adeus!
Have a good trip!Que teñas unha boa viaxe!
I have to goTéñome que ir
I will be right back!Axiña volvo
Holidays and WishesDesexarlle algo a alguén
Good luck!Boa sorte!
Happy birthday!Feliz aniversario!
Happy new year!Felíz Aninovo!
Merry Christmas!Bo Nadal!
Happy San Jose day!Felíz San Xosé
Happy Carnival day!Felíz Entroido
Enjoy! (or: bon appetit)Bo proveito!
Bless you (when sneezing)Saúde! (Cando se esbirra)
Best wishes!Parabéns
Cheers! (or: to your health)Saúde!
Accept my best wishesAcepta os meus mellores desexos
How to Introduce YourselfComo presentarse
What's your name?Como te chamas?
My name is (John Doe)Chámome (John Doe)
Nice to meet you!Encantado/a!
Where are you from?De onde es?
I'm from (the U.S/ Galicia)Son de Galicia
I'm (American/ Galician)Son (americano/a - galego/a)
Where do you live?Onde vives?
I live in (the U.S/ Galicia)Vivo nos Estados Unidos / en Galicia
Do you like it here?Gústache isto?
Galicia is a beautiful countryGalicia é un país fermoso
What do you do for a living?A que te dedicas?
I'm a (teacher/ student/ engineer)Son (profesor/a)/estudiante/enxeñeiro/a)
Do you speak (English/ Galician)?Falas (inglés/galego)?
Just a littleUn pouquiño
I like GalicianGústame o galego
I'm trying to learn GalicianTrato de aprender galego
It's a hard languageÉ unha lingua difícil
It's an easy languageÉ unha lingua fácil
Oh! That's good!Oh! Que ben!
Can I practice with you?Podo practicar contigo?
I will try my best to learnFarei o posible por aprender
How old are you?Cantos anos tes?
I'm (twenty one, thirty two) years oldTeño (vinte e un, trinta e dous) anos
It was nice talking to you!Foi un pracer falar contigo!
It was nice meeting you!Foi un pracer coñecerte
Mr.../ Mrs. .../ Miss...Señor.../Señora.../Señorita...
This is my wifeEsta é a miña muller
This is my husbandEste é o meu marido
Say hi to Thomas for meDálle saúdos a Thomas da miña parte
Romance and Love PhrasesRomance
Are you free tomorrow evening?Estás libre mañá pola noite?
I would like to invite you to dinnerGustaríame invitarche a cear
You look beautiful! (to a woman)Estás preciosa (a unha muller)!
You have a beautiful nameTes un nombre fermoso
Can you tell me more about you?Podes falarme máis de ti
Are you married?Estás casada/o?
I'm singleEstou solteira/o
I'm marriedEstou casada/o
Can I have your phone number?Dásme o teu número de teléfono?
Can I have your email?Dásme o teu enderezo de correo electrónico?
Do you have any pictures of you?Tes algunha foto túa?
Do you have children?Tes fillos?
Would you like to go for a walk?Queres ir dar un paseo?
I like youGústasme
I love youQuéroche
You're very special!Es moi especial!
You're very kind!Es moi amable!
I'm very happyEstou moi contenta/o
Would you marry me?Casaríasche comigo?
I'm just kiddingDígoo de broma
I'm seriousDígoo en serio
My heart speaks the language of loveO meu cor está falando a linguaxe do amor
Solving a MisunderstandingResolvendo un malentendido
Sorry! (or: I beg your pardon!)Perdón!
Sorry (for a mistake)Síntoo
No problem!Non pasa nada!
Can you repeat please?Por favor, pódesmo repetir?
Can you speak slowly?Podes falar máis a modo?
Can you write it down?Podes escribilo?
Did you understand what I said?Entendiches o que dixen?
I don't understand!Non entendo!
I don't know!Non sei!
What's that called in Galician?Como se chama iso en galego?
What does that word mean in English?Que quere dicir isa palabra en inglés?
How do you say "thanks" in Galician?Como se dí "grazas" en galego?
What is this?Que é isto?
My Galician is badO meu galego e moi malo
Don't worry!Non te preocupes!
I agree with youEstou dacordo contigo
Is that right?É correcto?
Is that wrong?É incorrecto?
What should I say?Que debo dicir?
I just need to practiceSó necesito practicar
Your Galician is goodO teu galego é bon
I have an accentTeño acento (estranxeiro)
You don't have an accentNon tes acento (estranxeiro)
Asking for DirectionsPedindo axuda e direccións
Excuse me! (before asking someone)Perdón
I'm lostEstou perdido/a
Can you help me?Podes axudarme?
Can I help you?Podo axudarche?
I'm not from hereNon son daquí
How can I get to (this place, this city)? Como podo chegar ata (este lugar, esta cidade)?
Go straightSegue dereito
ThenLogo / Despois
Turn leftXira á esquerda
Turn rightXira á dereita
Can you show me?Podes sinalarme?
I can show you!Podo sinalarche!
Come with me!Ven comigo!
How long does it take to get there?Canto tempo levará chegar ata alá?
Downtown (city center)Centro cidade
Historic center (old city)Centro histórico
It's near hereÉ preto daquí
It's far from hereÉ lonxe daquí
Is it within walking distance?Pódese chegar camiñando?
I'm looking for Mr. SmithBusco o Sr. Smith
One moment please!Un momento por favor!
Hold on please! (when on the phone)Agarde por favor!
He is not hereNon está
Bus stationEstación de autobuses
Train stationEstación de tren
Emergency Survival PhrasesFrases para emerxencias e supervivencia
Watch out! (or: be alert!)Coidado!
Call the police!Chama á policía!
Call a doctor!Chama un médico!
Call the ambulance!Chama unha ambuláncia!
Are you okay?Estás ben?
I feel sickSíntome mal
I need a doctorNecesito un médico
Food poisoningIntoxicación alimentaria
Where is the closest pharmacy?Onde está a farmacia máis próxima?
It hurts hereDoeme aquí
It's urgent!E urxente!
Calm down!Tranquilo/a!
You will be okay!Estarás ben
Can you help me?Podes axudarme?
Can I help you?Podo axudarche?
Hotel Restaurant Travel PhrasesFrases para Restaurantes e Viaxes
I have a reservation (for a room)Teño unha reserva (para unha habitación)
Do you have rooms available?Ten habitacións libres?
With shower / With bathroomCon ducha/Con baño
I would like a non-smoking roomQuero unha habitación para non fumadores
What is the charge per night?Cal é a tarefa por noite?
I'm here on business /on vacationEstou aquí por negocios/de vacacións
Do you accept credit cards?Aceptades tarxetas de crédito?
I'd like to rent a carQuero alugar un coche
How much will it cost?Canto custará?
A table for (one / two) please!Unha mesa para (un/dous) por favor
Is this seat taken?Está ocupado este asento
I'm vegetarianSon vexetariano/na
I don't eat porkNon como porco
I don't drink alcoholNon bebo alcohol
What's the name of this dish?Como se chama este prato?
Waiter / waitress!Camarero!/Camarera!
Can we have the check please?Pode traernos a conta por favor
It is very delicious!Está delicioso!
I don't like itNon me gusta
Shopping ExpressionsExpresións para mercar
How much is this?Canto custa isto?
I'm just lookingSó estou mirando
I don't have changeNon teño cambio
This is too expensiveIsto e demasiado caro
Daily ExpressionsExpresións varias
What time is it?Que hora é?
It's 3 o'clockSon as tres
Give me this!Dáme isto!
Are you sure?Estás seguro(a)?
Take this! (when giving something)Colle! (cando lle das algo a alguén)
It's freezing (weather)Vai un frio que pela
It's cold (weather)Vai frio (clima)
It's hot (weather)Vai calor (clima)
Do you like it?Gústache?
I really like it!Gustame dabondo!
I'm hungryTeño fame
I'm thirstyTeño sede
He is funny(El) É gracioso
In The MorningPola mañá
In the eveningPola tarde
At NightPola noite
Hurry up!Apura!
Cuss Words (polite)
This is nonsense! (or: this is craziness)Isto non ten sentido!
My God! (to show amazement)Meus deus!
Oh gosh! (when making a mistake)Mamaíña!
It sucks! (or: this is not good)É unha porcallada
What's wrong with you?Que che pasa?
Are you crazy?Estás tolo/a?
Get lost! (or: go away!)Pérdete!
Leave me alone!Déixame em paz!
I'm not interested!Non me interesa!
Writing a Letter
Dear JohnQuerido John
My trip was very niceA miña viaxe estivo moi ben
The culture and people were very interestingA cultura e a xente eran moi interesantes
I had a good time with youPaseino moi ben contigo
I would love to visit your country againEncantaríame volver visitar o teu país
Don't forget to write me back from time to timeNon esquezas escribirme de cando en cando
Short Expressions and wordsFrases curtas e palabras
So-so (or: not bad not good)Así así
Me (ie. Who did this? - Me)Eu
YouTi (Vós)
Really?De verdade?
Why?Por qué?

Phrases and daily expressions have a very important role in Galician. Once you're done with the Galician Phrases, you might want to check the rest of our Galician lessons here: Learn Galician. Don't forget to bookmark this page.





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