Macedonian Articles

If you're trying to learn Macedonian Articles you will find some useful resources including a course about Definite and Indefinite Articles... to help you with your Macedonian grammar. Try to concentrate on the lesson and notice the pattern that occurs each time the word changes its place. Also don't forget to check the rest of our other lessons listed on Learn Macedonian. Enjoy the rest of the lesson!

Macedonian Articles

Learning the Macedonian Articles displayed below is vital to the language. Macedonian articles are words that combine with a noun to indicate the type of reference being made by the noun. Generally articles specify the grammatical definiteness of the noun. Examples are "the, a, and an".

Grammar Tips:

Definite Article:

Like in English, where we have only one definite article “the", in Macedonian it is same but the article changes in accordance with the gender of the noun.

-от, -ов, -он (masculine singular), мажот, мажов, мажон  (the man, this man, that man)

-та, -ва, -на (feminine singular) куќата, куќава, куќана (the house, this house, that house)

-то, -во, -но (neuter singular) детето, детево, детено (the child, this child, that child)

-те (ти), -ве (ви), -не (ни) (plural) куќите, куќиве, куќине (the houses, these houses, those houses)

The suffixes -ов, -ва, -во, -ве (ви) are used when the subjects (and persons) are near the speaker. Дај ми ја книгава - Give me this book.

The suffixes –он, -на, -но, -не (ни) are used when the subjects (and persons) are far from the speaker. Дај ми ја книгана - Give me that book.

Indefinite Article:

While we have (a / an ; some) in English as indefinite articles, we also have еден/една/едно; неколку in Macedonian.

In general, whenever (a, an) are used in English you don’t need to use (еден, едно) or (една) to say the equivalent in Macedonian.

Еден, една, едно are used as a substitution for a/an only when a/an are used with the meaning of "one".

The Macedonian equivalent of "some" is неколку.


книга (a book)

куќа (a house)

неколку книги (some books)

неколку куќи (some houses)

Example: Книгите кои ги имам се во куќа на еден пријател. (The books I have are in a house of a friend)

Here are some examples:

English ArticlesMacedonian Articles
articles4lenovi - членови
theusually added after the noun as -ot, ta, to - usually added after the noun as -от, та, то
ana - на
oneedna - една
somenekoi - некои
fewnekolku - неколку
the bookknigata - книгата
the booksknigite - книгите
a bookkniga - книга
one bookedna kniga - една книга
some booksnekoi knigi - некои книги
few booksnekolku knigi - неколку книги

Notice the structure of the Articles in Macedonian.

List of Articles in Macedonian

Below is a list of vocabulary where you can use the Definite and Indefinite Articles in Macedonian. Try to practice but also memorizing this table will help you add very useful and important words to your Macedonian vocabulary.

English VocabularyMacedonian Vocabulary
Foodhrana - храна
almondsbademi - бадеми
breadleb - леб
breakfastdoru4ek - доручек
butterputer - путер
candybonboni - бонбони
cheesesireњe - сирење
chickenpile6ko - пилешко
cuminKim - Ким
dessertdesert - десерт
dinnerve4era - вечера
fishriba - риба
fruitovo6јe - овошје
ice creamsladoled - сладолед
lambјagne6ko - јагнешко
lemonlimon - лимон
lunchru4ek - ручек
mealobrok - оброк
meatmeso - месо
ovenrerna - рерна
pepperbiber - бибер
plantsrasteniјa - растенија
porksvinsko meso - свинско месо
saladsalata - салата
saltsol - сол
sandwichsendvi4 - сендвич
sausagekolbas - колбас
soupsupa - супа
sugar6eќer - шеќер
supperve4era - вечера
turkeymisirka - мисирка
appleјabolko - јаболко
bananabanana - банана
orangesportokali - портокали
peachespraski - праски
peanutkikiriki - кикирики
pearskru6i - круши
pineappleananas - ананас
grapesgrozјe - грозје
strawberriesјagodi - јагоди
vegetableszelen4uk - зеленчук
carrotmorkov - морков
cornp4enka - пченка
cucumberkrastavica - краставица
garlicluk - лук
lettucemarula - марула
olivesmaslinki - маслинки
onionskromid - кромид
pepperspiperki - пиперки
potatoeskompiri - компири
pumpkintikva - тиква
beansgrav - грав
tomatoesdomati - домати

Definite and Indefinite Articles have a very important role in Macedonian. Once you're done with Macedonian Articles, you might want to check the rest of our Macedonian lessons here: Learn Macedonian. Don't forget to bookmark this page.





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